hafez shirazi

Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī, known by his pen name Hafez  was a Persian poet who "lauded the joys of love and wine but also targeted religious hypocrisy.



His collected works are regarded as a pinnacle of Persian literature and are to be found in the homes of most people in Iran, who learn his poems by heart and still use them as proverbs and sayings. His life and poems have been the subject of much analysis, commentary and interpretation, influencing post-14th century Persian writing more than any other author.



Hafez, who was a 14th-century poet in Iran, is best known for his poems that can be described as “antinomian” and with the medieval use of the term “theosophical”; this term theosophy in the 13th and 14th centuries was used to indicate mystical work by “authors only inspired by the holy books” 



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Publish Date: 2016 Oct 29

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